How to Dress for Divorce Court

As superficial as it may seem, how your dress for divorce court matters, and there are unspoken norms to follow. While judging a book by its cover — or being judged on what you wear to your hearing — might seem shallow, it is the way things are. What you choose to wear and how […]

5 Positive Lessons To Learn From Divorce

More often than not, divorce is a difficult and stressful process, but there are many lessons to learn from divorce that can help you recover fast.   It is often accompanied by significant life changes and transitions, on top of overwhelming emotions. Divorce is undoubtedly one of the most serious and painful challenges one faces in […]

The Dos and Don’ts of a Child Custody Battle: Part 2

A complicated and overwhelming part of divorce is determining child custody, and you do not want an aggressive child custody battle on your hands.  Winning these complex battles can be challenging. However, knowing what to do and what not to do can make all the difference. Doing certain things can hurt your case and ruin […]

The Dos and Don’ts of a Child Custody Battle: Part 1

A child custody battle is one of the more emotional and challenging parts of a divorce, so it is important to do your research before proceeding. Custody and all that comes with it is incredibly complex, and its dispute can lead to major conflict and acrimonious feelings. Unfortunately, wanting to win the fight isn’t enough. […]

How to Avoid a Hostile Divorce

Many divorcing couples try to avoid a hostile divorce for the sake of their children because they want a respectful relationship once it’s finalized. However, accomplishing this is easier said than done. Despite what Hollywood portrays in films, divorce does not always need to be an ugly, long, and drawn-out process. Continue scrolling to learn […]

Utah Divorce Laws That You Need to Know

If you are considering a divorce or are in the midst of one now and live in Utah, it is important to familiarize yourself with Utah divorce laws. Doing your homework in advance can help the process go as smoothly as possible. While the overall divorce process is more or less the same in all […]

What is a Father’s Rights Lawyer?

Fathers play a pivotal role in the emotional development of their kids, but some of them must fight for their rights with a father’s rights lawyer. According to research from the Children’s Bureau, kids with involved and present fathers are more likely to be secure, both mentally and emotionally, have increased confidence, and have better […]