Four Tips For A Successful Mediation
Regardless of whether your divorce is uncontested or contested, you will find yourself in at least one mediation session. Mediation is about finding solutions and common ground. Mediation gives couples a unique opportunity to listen to their partner and gain perspective from their spouse’s unique point of view. Mediation can help couples effectively communicate with […]
What To Do When Mediation Doesn’t Work
Mediation may be the last step that you and your spouse consider before officially filing for divorce. A married couple must file a lawsuit to dissolve a marriage legally. However, it’s no longer necessary to follow the traditional path of litigation to work out the final terms of a divorce. Many couples are now turning […]
Why We Recommend Mediation
Mediation is one of the most frequently used methods for negotiating a divorce settlement. In divorce mediation, you and your spouse hire a neutral third party called a mediator. Said mediator would meet with you and your spouse to discuss and resolve the issues in your divorce. Don’t worry about a mediator overstepping their boundaries, […]
What You Should Know Before Going Into Mediation
If you’ve scheduled your first mediation session, you may be unsure of what to expect. You have probably heard that mediation is referred to as “assisted negotiation”. You’re hopeful that this process will be a successful option for you and your spouse. The good news is that you’ve made a financially sensible and family-friendly choice. […]
How Can Mediation Help You?
In a typical divorce, each party will not agree on every issue. Mediation can help both parties resolve any degree of divorce-related issues. Mediation is an informal process where a neutral third-party, known as a mediator, helps facilitate individuals to reach an agreement. Divorce mediation is beneficial because it helps individuals reach an agreement without […]
How Can Mediation Help My Divorce?
Filing a divorce claim is not easy. Clearly you and your spouse are making the right decision and have thoroughly exhausted all other options. No one chooses divorce as their first answer. Divorce is as big of a commitment as getting married. It takes time and consideration to follow through a decision like that. So […]
The Perks of Mediation
Any time you have to seek legal counsel it is concerning. Attorneys are incredibly helpful professionals, but they typically are problem solvers, which means that if you meeting with one then you have a problem of some proportion. When one thinks of hiring lawyer we automatically go to dramatic scene between Tom Cruise and Jack […]
How To Mediate A Divorce If Your Spouse Is A Bully?
Unfortunately, many people turn out to be bullies during divorce even when they did not manifest signs of aggressive and violent behavior before they got down on their knee and popped the question to their fiancée-to-be. Verbal and physical abuse is the most common form of bullying during the marriage, but have you ever heard […]
Should You Involve Your Children In Divorce Mediation?
As you may or may not know, mediation is supposed to help you and your soon-to-be former spouse resolve your issues and end your marriage as amicably and smoothly as possible. The idea of involving your children in divorce mediation has probably crossed your mind, but would that be a smart move? The topic of […]
Mediation As A First Step
Nobody plans on divorce. Divorces are emotional and can get complicated. There are disputes over who gets what property and whether or not alimony will be paid. If children are involved, it can truly get messy. Disputes over legal and physical custody of a child can become heated. In Utah, state law requires couples filing […]