Common Challenges of a Military Divorce

Military service members and their families can experience a complex and often overwhelming divorce process mainly due to their military obligations. It takes someone experienced to handle these cases and ensure a successful outcome. Military divorce presents unique challenges you can successfully overcome with the help of a well-versed Salt Lake City military divorce attorney. If you are facing the end of your relationship, it’s best you seek the counsel of a specialized attorney with a military divorce background such as Christopher M. Ault.

When a military spouse is deployed, the whole family suffers. It’s particularly stressful and testing for the couple as constant deployments tend to steal the joy in the marriage. Recent statistics show that military divorces are on the rise. These marriages face different challenges including long and unwelcomed times of separation. Military marriage is not for everyone, especially when there are children involved. Kids also suffer the consequences of these constant absences.

Military divorces are for the most part controlled by military laws thus service members understand the best way to navigate this process is hiring an attorney. Only an attorney can help divide the military benefits accordingly. It helps protect your interests and ensure your children have a stable future.

The problem with location

Finding the location to file for divorce can be a challenge since many military couples get married in one state then move to another. This is why it’s important you understand how the laws in the state you intend to file for divorce can affect the whole process. Issues regarding property division, child property, and spousal support are handled differently in each state.

Dividing military pensions and benefits

It’s important to note that military spouses are not always entitled to all the benefits upon divorce. The provisions for dividing such benefits must be addressed by your attorney in a marital settlement agreement. Dividing or computing military pensions, for example, can become an issue as every state has different rules governing the division of these pensions.

This is why you must ask your attorney or you may lose spousal military benefits. It all depends on the length of your marriage and how long your spouse has been in service. Some benefits may require 20 years of marriage and service. Your spouse’s wages, for instance, can be garnished through the DFAS. Just make sure you consult your attorney first and find out about the requirements for filing for a divorce.

Seeking long-term representation

If you are entering into a military divorce, it’s important you seek long-term legal representation from an experienced Salt Lake City military divorce attorney you can trust. Working with an attorney can ease the whole process as attorneys can help with any ongoing disputes and appeals that may arise, even years after filing your divorce.

Hiring a family law attorney during the initial stages of your divorce is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family. Contact us today and schedule your initial consultation. We’ll take a look at your current circumstances, answer your questions, and make your divorce process more manageable.



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