How Do Visitation Rights Work?
If you’re a parent going through a divorce, your main concern is your child and their future. Explaining divorce to your child is difficult enough, but now you must worry about your child’s development being impacted by the divorce. If you’re the non-custodial parent to your child, you don’t have to worry about not being […]
Fathers In Utah Receive Less Time With Children Than In Other States
When going through divorce your biggest worry is your children and when and how often you will see them. While you may not for whatever reason want to interact with the other parent your time with your children is sacred and you never want to miss out. Unfortunately, recent statistics have found via a new […]
Helpful Tips To Avoid Visitation Problems During The Holidays
If you are divorced or have recently ended a relationship, your holidays can be quite stressful, especially if your former spouse wants to take your children away from you. Perhaps you had plans for your little ones but your ex just ruined them. If this is you, hire an experienced Salt Lake City child visitation […]