Restraining Order: Lies, Exaggeration, False Claims, Violation …

An increasing number of former spouses or partners resort to getting a restraining order against the other party. Not only does it serve as the claimant’s protective shield from physical abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence, but also bolsters their claims against the other party. Getting a restraining order is nothing like any other court […]

Alimony Basics in Utah: Are You Entitled to Spousal Support?

Alimony, or spousal support, is a court-ordered fee or allowance that one spouse pays to the other either while their divorce is pending or for a longer period after the divorce. Both parties can request alimony, but only one party will receive it. Alimony is designed to help the spouse that has less in income […]

3 Reasons to Mediate Your Utah Divorce Case

Many people assume that every divorce is extremely contentious, challenging, and expensive. While contested cases can be all of these things, you can take steps to make the process run much more smoothly. One of those steps is to engage in divorce mediation. Mediation often prevents your divorce from going to court, which is beneficial […]

Family Law And Facebook

How Social Media Can Ruin Or Help Your Case In Family Court It might sound scary, but Facebook has become an inextricable part of your everyday lives. And if Facebook CEO’s Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before the Senate Committee last month is any indication, we should probably be at least a little careful about what we […]

What You Need to Know about Stepchild Adoption in Salt Lake City

When you divorce and remarry, you may become one of the blended families that are becoming more common across Utah and, indeed, the United States. As these families become closer, numerous Salt Lake City residents seek to adopt their spouse’s children, taking the legal step towards becoming a parent, rather than a step-parent. Aside from […]

What Happens If You Accuse the Other Parent of Child Abuse?

If you are currently going through a divorce, and things have gotten quite hectic and intense, it may seem tempting to accuse the other parent of child abuse to make sure custody arrangements go in your favor. Or, at least, that is what some parents in Salt Lake City and elsewhere in Utah apparently think […]

Speak to a Family Law Attorney before Marriage to Help Avoid Divorce

Family law attorneys tend to be associated with divorce, child custody, and child support wrangles, but the truth is there’s much more to our talents. Of course, we are skilled and dedicated to providing outstanding legal representation to clients facing each of these events, but there can be a more positive side to our expertise […]

A legal separation can work

Married couples sometimes have a hard time dealing with conflict in their marriage. For some, taking a break is one of the best approaches to handling conflict. In such cases, a legal separation is advisable as it allows both parties to remain legally married while also taking advantage of some freedoms. Reconciliation is possible after […]

Divorce can benefit your kids

Most people think about the negative effects of divorce since they are more obvious. But divorce is more than the eye can meet. It can be a bumpy ride but kids can adjust quickly to a new life, especially if you make it fun for them. Divorce can be a good thing. This is particularly […]