The Basics Of Common Law Marriage

If you have been in a formal relationship for quite some time, you are probably wondering if you have any legal rights just like married couples. Unmarried couples sometimes can gain rights through a common law marriage. However, this is not exactly the case in Utah since there is no common-law marriage, yet there is […]

How Sole Custody Affects Child Support?

There are different custody options that may be granted by a court. Whether that includes sole custody, sole physical custody, joint legal custody or joint physical custody, it is important you learn about your options. The custodial parent is granted sole custody, which involves many responsibilities and financial obligations. This is why it is important […]

Top don’ts when filing for divorce

Ending a relationship is never easy. It is difficult to forget all the good times you had with your former spouse. While pain is unavoidable, there are some things you can do to improve your situation and avoid regrets later. Prevent pregnancy It is tempting to reconcile with your partner but it can only complicate […]

Everything you need to know about military pensions

Military couples face unique challenges during divorce. They generally have many questions about how a divorce can affect their benefits, including military pensions. Military pensions are different from civilian pensions. Service members can only receive their full pension after 20 years of military service. The former spouse may be entitled to a portion Spouses can […]