Utah Man Accused of Domestic Violence On The Run


A Utah man attempting to take child custody took his baby and fled in a vehicle. The 52-year-old was accused of domestic violence back in 1999 yet it seems these charges were dismissed. Unfortunately, the baby born back in November of this year has special needs and drug exposure.

The baby was found 2 hours after the amber alert had ceased but the police doesn’t want to provide information about how or where they found the baby. The police is still looking for Albert Phillips, the child’s father. Contact a Salt Lake City domestic violence attorney if you are a victim of this type of abuse, especially if you have minor children. Your children should not be exposed to such dangerous environment.

Utah ranks high in domestic violence incidents

Statistics show that domestic violence is increasing nationwide but particularly in Utah where, according to the Utah Department of Health, one woman is murdered every month. Intimate partner violence is on the rise in Utah and women as well as children are the ones most affected by it. Programs helping victims of domestic violence receive about 2,000 requests and it continues to increase every year.

Protection from abuse

If you want to find protection from domestic violence, it is important you hire an experienced Salt Lake City domestic violence attorney. You can request a protective order to keep the abuser away and your family safe. If the abuser violates the protective order, he or she can be arrested. Make sure this order is valid when traveling to other states.

Signs of domestic violence

While it is true relationships can go through hard times, physical, emotional or verbal violence is never an acceptable behavior. Violent behavior generally starts with threats, breaking things, and name-calling, and it can escalate to violent acts. It takes time for some victims to understand they don’t have to stay in an abusive relationship. Some people may choose to stay because they are too ashamed or perhaps lack the financial resources to claim their independence. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A Salt Lake City domestic violence attorney can take a closer look at your current circumstances and make sure you are legally protected and equipped with all the resources you need to start a new life.

Domestic violence can affect your health

Every year many women are injured in domestic violence situations. Being exposed to this type of atmosphere can cause various health problems such as panic attacks, depression, digestive problems, and PTSD.

Find help today

A violent relationship puts your family in a dangerous situation. Your children may be at risk for injury or even death. Dealing with an abusive person can be challenging as they tend to manipulate the situation to make you believe you are overreacting. To learn more about how you can claim your legal rights as a victim of domestic abuse, call us today and schedule your initial case review with family law attorney Christopher M. Ault.


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