Why You Need a Prenuptial Agreement

One of the biggest myths about marriage is only the wealthy need a prenuptial agreement. Nothing could be further from the truth. It may have been a stereotype at one time. But if you have investments or any significant assets, it is vital to make sure you are protected in the event of a divorce.

Unfortunately, far too many people throughout Utah never take the time to create a proper prenuptial agreement. If a marriage falls apart, it can bring disastrous results. The first important step is to contact an experienced and knowledgeable Salt Lake City prenuptial agreement attorney with a track record of protecting the best interests of each client.

Do Not Worry About Offending Your Spouse

There are several reasons why people avoid creating a prenuptial agreement. Many are afraid of offending their future spouse. Others say it creates distrust and takes the romance out of marriage. However, it is important to realize marriage is a long-term commitment. Sometimes it requires making difficult decisions. There is no question a prenuptial agreement has the potential to bring some conflict. However, a strong relationship should always have a foundation of love and trust. If your partner cannot handle the possibility of a prenup, there is a good chance they may not be the right person for you.

Are You Wealthier Than Your Spouse?

The truth is not all marrying couples in Salt Lake City are on equal financial footing. In many cases, one spouse earns far more money. Should the marriage end in divorce, there is plenty to lose. Drafting a prenuptial agreement is one of the most effective methods to protect your financial future. Sadly, many people marry a wealthy person because of their income. A prenup is often an effective tool to determine whether your future spouse is truly marrying for you instead of just your money.

Prenups Protect Your Children & Family Members Too

Sometimes marriage does not always work the first time. Many people in Salt Lake City have remarried. One of the realities of remarriage is your family situation and financial responsibilities have changed. Many people have children from their first marriages, which may also require spousal and child support commitments. Preparing a prenup ensures your assets are properly distributed to the right people. This ensures your first family and current family are properly taken care of in case of death.

Does Your Fiancee Have Debt Issues?

It can be a scary scenario. Far too many people enter marriage without fully knowing their future spouse’s financial situation. If they have accumulated significant debt, their problems could soon become yours. Creating a prenuptial agreement can make sure you are not responsible for your partner’s debt problems–especially if the marriage should come to an end.

Contact a Salt Lake City Prenuptial Agreement Attorney Today

Finding the right person to spend the rest of your life with can often get complicated. Family and money issues require intricate planning. If a person has significant assets, it is always wise to have an effective prenuptial agreement to provide protection.

Over the years, Salt Lake City divorce attorney Christopher M. Ault has helped many men and women with a variety of a family law matters. He and his staff can help you create a prenuptial agreement that protects your financial and family interests and long-term future.

To learn more, contact the legal team at The Ault Firm P.C. and schedule a consultation to discuss your case.


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