Salt Lake City Protective Orders Attorney

Victims of domestic violence often feel helpless with no place to turn for assistance. Each day, countless people throughout Salt Lake City live in constant fear of physical violence and intimidation from their spouse or partner. But there are solutions. One of the most effective is the use of protective orders. The legal team at Utah Attorneys is committed to helping victims of domestic violence find the best legal solutions to end this vicious cycle and go on with their lives.

Many people live in the constant nightmare of an abusive relationship. But it does not need to continue. Protective orders are an effective legal method to remove an abusive spouse or partner from your premises. Many people often confuse protective orders with restraining orders. A protective order is designed to legally put a stop to stalking, threats of stalking, and bodily harm made by a specific party. They require both parties have no contact.


Filing For a Protective Order in Utah

The process of filing a protective order in Utah can sometimes get complicated. That is why it is crucial to have an experienced and knowledgeable Salt Lake City protective orders lawyer on your side. First, the petitioner must file both a temporary order and a permanent order. By providing sufficient evidence, the petitioner can enter a request for a temporary order the same day. However, it is important to understand some courts may take longer. Once a hearing is set, the petitioner can argue their case. If the court determines the evidence is sufficient, it will grant a permanent order.

Why You Need a Salt Lake City Protective Orders Lawyer

Nobody should be forced to stay in an abusive relationship. When it comes to filing for a protective order, these cases can often get complicated and emotional. An experienced Salt Lake City protective orders lawyer can effectively present your evidence and place the client in the best position to succeed. Also, those who are accused of violating a protective order can face severe penalties. It can also cost a person their job, their residence and prevent them from obtaining certain licenses and certificates to help them advance professionally. To learn more about obtaining a protective order in Salt Lake City or if you are accused of a protective order violation, contact the legal professionals at Utah Attorneys and schedule an initial consultation today.


One of the benefits of protective orders is they can be filed and processed relatively quickly. For cases of stalking, the petitioner can receive a protective the same day the request is filed. For permanent orders, most hearings are set within two weeks. This helps victims of abusive relationships, resolve their situation. Both parties must be present at the hearing. As your Salt Lake City protective orders attorney, I can effectively organize and present your evidence to the court to ensure the best possible results. If the respondent fails to appear in court and there is evidence they received the necessary paperwork, the court will rule in favor of the petitioner. If both parties appear in court, each will be given the opportunity to present their case.

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