Reconnect with your child after a divorce
Divorce can take a toll on your relationship with your child. All the spontaneity and the fun times spent together soon become a thing of the past. You may also need time for yourself to recover from the physically draining child custody & child support battles and to heal your emotional wounds. Children need their […]
Spousal Support and Alimony During a Divorce
Alimony and spousal support are very different for tax purposes. Spousal support is what the payment amounts are prior to the divorce decree and alimony is the name it takes after the divorce decree has been entered. A Salt Lake City divorce attorney can assist you in getting the fair amount during your divorce. Ending […]
The Challenges of Being a Single Parent
Divorce doesn’t just end with a courtroom settlement. It is a series of lifelong adjustments. Perhaps few are more challenging than raising children on your own. Countless people throughout Utah are now facing this unique transition. The statistics speak for themselves. Nearly a third of families in the United States are headed by a […]
What Happens When Your Ex Can’t Afford Child Support
Some parents going through a divorce may feel the amount of child support they have to pay is too overwhelming. Although divorcees generally agree on matters of child support, some may struggle a bit with their finances. They are unable to fulfill their obligations as stated in the agreement and fail to make the required […]
Military Divorce in Utah
Military life is often a huge barrier to a happy marriage. The consequences of war, deployment and so many unpredictable events in the spouses’ lives can lead the relationship to trouble waters. Military divorce is often more complicated and confusing than any other type of divorce. It’s governed by both federal and state laws and […]
Child Support Income
What counts as income for child support cases in Utah? It should come as no surprise that Utah state guidelines require both parents to be financially responsible for supporting their children. However the amount that is owed depends on the a variety of factors. For example, the number of children, the custody arrangements, and […]