The divorce process overall looks different for each person and varies case by case. While this is true, every divorce has a handful of common denominators. There are things you should do, and, just as importantly, there are things you should avoid doing. Divorce is hard in and of itself. There is no need to make it any more difficult. Here are a few mistakes you should avoid making when going through a divorce.
Do Not Hide Money and Other Assets
Do not try to hide money, other assets, and any information regarding your finances from your spouse, your lawyer, or anybody else in the divorce process. Hiding money and assets is always a bad idea, and a judge is not likely to look at hiding this sort of information kindly. Mention every investment, account, retirement fund, stock, etc. to your attorney.
Do Not Let Emotions Take Over
It is well known that the divorce process is full of emotions. You are likely to feel every emotion under the sun, from anger to sorrow, resentment to relief. It is essential that you keep your emotions in check and not act out based on what you are feeling in that moment. A rational mind and respectful communication will be better received.
Do Not Make Threats
Financial, emotional, and physical threats or manipulations will only get you into trouble and could lead to negative long-term consequences. These consequences could include receiving a restraining order, unfavorable arrangements, or agreements when it comes to child support, alimony, or child custody. Empty threats are just as dangerous and consequential as threats upon which you intend to act. In addition to getting yourself into trouble, threats only make for a hostile environment that can drag out the divorce process, costing you more time and money.
Do Not Ignore Your Lawyer’s Advice or Guidance
Your divorce attorney is well versed in family law and has your best interest in mind. Let their knowledge and experience guide you throughout this process. Your lawyer will set up a strategy that is specific to your case. Do not ignore their advice and guidance. Doing so could harm your case and leave you with an unfavorable outcome.
Do Not Forget Your Support Team
Divorce is overwhelming and challenging. Remember, you do not need to do it alone. Lean on your friends and family for support. If friends and family are, for whatever reason, not an option, consider a local support group or seeing a therapist or divorce coach. Working through complex feelings can give you the clarity you will require.
Contact The Ault Firm
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in the divorce process is to hire the wrong lawyer or one that is not experienced or skilled. The team of attorneys at The Ault Firm has years of experience and is very knowledgeable in family law. If you are going through a divorce and need legal representation and counsel, call The Ault Firm today to schedule your case review.