It Is Never Too Late To Modify Your Divorce Decree

Some divorcing couples file for divorce too quickly and they forget to consider some important aspects. But it is possible to appeal your divorce decree with the help of a Salt Lake City post-divorce modifications attorney. Modifications of divorce decrees may require a long process but they can be very beneficial, especially if your original divorce decree includes misconduct or fraud. There is also a change of circumstances that may require modification. For instance, your spousal support or spousal support may be lowered or increased but you should consult your attorney first and inquire about the options available for your specific circumstances.

In order to appeal a court decision, you must have reasonable grounds. Whether the appeal involves child custody, child support or any other family law area, you are entitled to legal representation from a qualified Salt Lake City post-divorce modifications attorney. It is important you state the specific grounds for your complaint and appeal in a timely manner. Although is never too late to submit an appeal, the sooner you assert your objection the better.

It is natural for issues related to your children and former spouse such as custody, and financial support, to change requiring a modification of your divorce decree. The most important thing to consider is the behavior or circumstances leading to a modification. In other words, you should be engaged in your children’s lives, provide child support, and be the best parent you can be. If you skip visitation or ignore parenting responsibilities, you will definitely hurt your possibilities of obtaining a modification.

Your conduct will impact your case. This is particularly true if the other parent is unfit. Remember that good behavior includes communicating with your ex in a friendly manner. But sometimes an amicable approach doesn’t work, and you need to petition the court to intervene. Your attorney can help you gather evidence and make sure you have a strong case for modification.

Courts can also make mistakes. In such cases, you can file an appeal. A higher court will review your case and determine whether mistakes were initially made and how the situation can be corrected. A divorce attorney in Salt Lake City can argue on appeal about the errors that lead to an unfair divorce settlement. In some cases, new evidence will be considered as long as it fits with the circumstances.

There are a few things you can modify in your divorce decrees such as child and spousal support, custody, and visitation. Property division isn’t generally modified unless allowed in the divorce decree. There are many reasons to modify child custody and child support since the basic needs of the child tend to increase as they age also the parents’ finances tend to fluctuate.

If you have any questions regarding your divorce settlement, call us today and schedule a private consultation with family law attorney Christopher M. Ault.


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