Legal Separation or Divorce – What is Best for Me?

Did you know under Utah law you can file for a legal separation rather than an actual divorce?  Legal separations are different from divorce in that you remain married to your spouse.  Essentially, you will live apart from your spouse but will remain married under Utah law.  In Utah, legal separations also in effect for […]

How you can Help Make your Divorce Easier

The last thing couples imagine when they are getting married is how things could end. The sad reality is that divorce is an authentic result of many relationships in Utah. If you find yourself in this back against the wall situation and are considering a divorce, allow us to give you some tips to consider […]

Quick Financial Tips To Help During A Legal Separation

For those who may not be familiar with the term, a legal separation is similar to divorce but does not terminate the marriage. In certain circumstances, couples may decide that legally separating is a better choice than fully dissolving a marriage. Common reasons to separate include insurance reasons, military benefits, religious beliefs, or even tax-related […]