Divorce Rates Rise Among Older Couples

When it comes to marriage, more people are living happily ever after with their significant others than ever before–except for one specific group. Overall, divorce rates have fallen. But there is a noticeably trend among divorcing couples in Salt Lake City and throughout the United States. More older couples are calling it quits. According to a study and data gathered by the Pew Research Center in 2015, the divorce rate for couples in their 50s and older have more than doubled since 1990. The numbers for couples 65 and older have tripled. It’s a staggering number when you consider the declining rates among other age groups. But what is contributing to the rise and will this trend continue?

The Unique Challenges of Baby Boomers

There are currently 79 million Americans born between 1945 and 1964. They represent a rebellious generation often symbolized by the phrase “sex, drugs and rock and roll.” The world has changed dramatically during their generation. The are a few reasons for the increase of divorce among Baby Boomers. Many older couples were involved in previous marriages that ended during their early adulthood. Sometimes marriage the second time around does not always go smoothly. Remarrying also presents different challenges, such as blending two sets of families together along with greater financial responsibilities.

Greater Life Expectancy

Americans are living longer. The biggest shift in life expectancy has occurred during the Baby Boomer generation. People in their 50s and 60s can realistically live another 30 years. While not all marriages are bad, many older couples no longer find their relationships loving or satisfying. I has led to many older couples to question whether they want to continue to spend remaining years in the same relationship

The Changing Status of Women

Women have made tremendous advances and now have greater professional opportunities. There was a time when women entered marriage with the expectations of being a homemaker and raising children. More women have entered the workforce and are making more money. But sometimes the challenges of balancing a professional life with family life can bring many challenges. According to the AARP, 60 percent of divorces involving people 40 and older are initiated by women. Liberated and empowered women now have greater freedom to end their relationship compared to the parent’s generation.

Empty Nest Syndrome

By the time couples reach their 50s, their children are grown and have started their own families. With no pressure to stay to together for the sake of the kids, more Baby Boomers feel they are at the stage of moving on.

A Salt Lake City Divorce Attorney Can Help

Not every marriage is built to last. Even relationships that have lasted for 20 and even 30 plus years can come to an end. If you are considering a divorce, it is important to seek representation from a divorce attorney with a track record of protecting the rights and interests of each client. Attorney Christopher M. Ault and his legal staff are committed to help place clients in the best position to succeed. To learn more, contact divorce attorney of The Ault Firm in Salt Lake City and schedule a consultation to discuss your case.



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