Even Celebrities Go Through Child Custody Problems

We would not normally bring you a story about celebrities, but the recent child custody battle between superstars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie shows us that divorce and child custody can become a messy situation for everyone, despite how famous or rich they are.

Their child custody case is playing out on the national stage and has become a spectacle, but we want to make sure you realize that this is serious. They have six children who have to watch their parents battle each other on the news each night. This is not something they will forget.

Similarly, divorce for anyone is a messy situation. When children are involved, it is in the best interest for everyone involved to figure out child custody and child support issues quietly, amicably, and with good legal assistance. This is a time of upheaval for the children, so both parents should do everything they can to keep things as normal as possible.

At the Ault Firm, our goal is to treat everyone in a divorce fairly. If children are involved, we will work tirelessly to make sure the best outcome is reached.

What Is At Stake?

Regardless of how long the marriage lasted, if there are children involved, separation is not as easy as going to the mandated mediation and waiting.

Utah law requires that both parents continue to support the child after a divorce, regardless of what custody arrangements are made.

Child support payments are mandated so that the child is cared for, not to punish one spouse or the other. The court will look at both parents’ incomes to determine an appropriate amount. They will examine where the child resides most of the time because the parents with primary custody will already be spending more to support the child.

Over time, one or both parents’ situation may change. Jobs may be lost or they may get promotions. The court can be petitioned to adjust child support payments up or down.

Child custody comes in a few forms: legal and physical custody.

Legal custody is granted to the parent who will make legal decisions for the child. This can include medical decisions and educational decisions, among other things. Physical custody deals with where the child will reside. Sole custody and physical custody can be granted in both, and they do not have to be the same. For example, one parent can have sole physical custody while both share joint legal custody.

Moving Forward From Here

Divorce is not easy, but with skilled legal representation, you can work to ensure you are being treated fairly. We know you love your children, that is why we want to help ensure that the appropriate custody and child support arrangements are made. At the Ault Firm, our team has compassion for these cases. When you need a Salt Lake City child custody or child support attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 801-539-9000 for a consultation.


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