Helpful Mantras To Use During A Divorce

High-conflict divorce is one of the more stressful events you can experience in life. The rollercoaster of emotions you feel is exhausting. Regardless of who filed for divorce, you or your spouse, you may be feeling depressed and experiencing a dark mental state. The end of a significant relationship can leave you feeling defeated and deflated. It’s important to know how to handle these feelings.

All over the world, individuals have used mantras for years to aid in transformation. These repeated statements are used as a reminder tool to help shift focus. Mantras can be used in all facets of life, but today we are going to discuss using them to help during a divorce. Using positive mantras can help you overcome these negative feelings of doubt and despair by shifting your mindset to focus on the positive, good things in life.

Continue reading to learn how mantras can help you during a divorce.

Selecting Mantras

Mantras are not necessarily one-size-fits-all and are incredibly personal. They can be whatever you want or need them to be. Find words and statements that resonate with you and bring you peace and other positive feelings. Let your instinct guide you day by day, moment by moment, in choosing your mantra. Customize a mantra to make them relevant to your situation.

How to Implement Mantras

Whenever you are feeling stressed, are in a difficult situation, or at the start and end of your day, recite your mantras several times. This small practice only takes a couple of minutes and can be done anywhere — out loud or in your mind — and can make a huge impact. The more you recite your mantras, the more effective they will be.

Mantra Ideas

As previously mentioned, mantras are very personal. However, if you are unfamiliar with mantras, finding some might feel a bit daunting. Because of this, we have compiled a handful of mantras that you can use or might help get the ball rolling.

    • I can do hard things.
    • I will be happy today.
    • I am enough.
    • It is okay to feel sad.
    • I will do all things with love and patience.
    • I forgive myself for my faults.
    • I am doing my best.
    • I can find joy in the process.
    • I love myself.
    • I am in control of my thoughts, feelings, and actions.
    • This, too, will pass.
    • I am calm.
    • My children deserve a relationship with my ex-spouse.
    • I am a loving parent.
    • I am deserving of love and respect.
    • Breathe in positivity, breathe out negativity.
    • I will not solely blame my ex-spouse.
    • Happiness is a choice.


Contact The Ault Firm

Divorce is a heavy load to bear and does not need to be carried alone. The professionals at The Ault Firm are here to help you during this difficult time. Our lawyers are committed to protecting your best interest; we are in your corner from beginning to end. If you are in the Salt Lake City or West Jordan area and need legal representation, contact the expert attorneys at The Ault Firm.



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