Infertility and Divorce

When you get married and elect to begin your family, you likely have certain expectations and dreams you wish to see come to fruition. But when medical reasons stop this ideal from becoming a reality, it can send your relationship spiraling. The heavy toll infertility can take on your marriage can result in marital problems and, in extreme cases, can lead to divorce.

Read more on infertility and the role it can play in divorce below.

Infertility and Divorce

In addition to the heartbreak and sorrow of being unable to have children, the stress and financial burden that comes with infertility and many failed fertility procedures and treatments can weigh heavily on a relationship. Recent studies report that the divorce rate is much higher for infertile couples than for couples able to procreate.

Many studies examine the connection between infertility and divorce. One was a study that looked at over 47,000 women and found that the women who were unable to have a child after fertility treatments were three times more likely to end their marriage than those who were able to have a child after treatment.

Of course, many couples may have marital issues outside of infertility, and the stability of their relationship might not be solid. The trial of infertility can heighten their problems and test their marriage.

Ways to Help Your Relationship Through Infertility

If you and your spouse are dealing with the hardships that come with infertility, it is important to take action before your marriage suffers. Here is a list of things you can do to help your relationship amid infertility:


See a Couple’s Therapist — Begin some form of couples therapy or marital counseling. No matter where you are in your infertility journey, advice from a professional third party can help greatly.

Date Night — Take some time each week or month dedicated to the two of you. These dates do not need to cost lots of money or take up much time but make sure you set aside an hour or two to focus on your relationship. If it helps, you can implement a rule of no talking about stressors during this time.

Take Time for Yourself — In addition to together time, it is essential to take time for yourself. Do things that help lower your stress levels. Give each other necessary breathing room and space to process your thoughts and feelings.

Keep Communication Lines Open — It is easy to close yourself off when experiencing something heartbreaking and stressful. Do not forget to continue communicating with your spouse. Communicate the negatives and remember to mention the positives!

Build Your Support Team — Infertility is a heavy load to carry for you and your spouse alone. Reach out to your loved ones for support during this stressful time. Nurture your relationships, both inside and outside of your marriage.  


Contact The Ault Firm

If you are considering divorce, whether you are experiencing infertility or not, contact the professionals at The Ault Firm, P.C.

Our team understands the challenges and obstacles that come with divorce, and we are committed to helping to face them head-on. We provide comprehensive legal representation to those requiring a family law attorney in the Salt Lake City and West Jordan areas.

Contact The Ault Firm to schedule an initial consultation today.



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