How your attorney can help with mediation

Some lawsuits can become bitter and hostile and the only way to get out of them is hiring a mediator or attorney. After months of litigation, you and your former spouse don’t seem to agree or reach a formal resolution of your divorce case. So what can you do? This is where mediation can help. A Salt Lake City mediation attorney can make the whole process much easier.

The role of mediation

Some attorneys are pretty good at mediation and they can make it a total success. Some things your attorney can do for you include:

  • Request mediation to the opponent’s lawyer – Some lawsuits can get really nasty so it will be difficult to propose mediation on your own. Even in the best of circumstances, the attorney can make the whole process more bearable and assertive.
  • Even when attorneys can’t serve as mediators they can find a good one for you – Attorneys sometimes work with mediators as some of their cases may require it.
  • Completing the mediation paperwork – You will need to have a written statement about how you and your former spouse plan to resolve the issue. Your attorney can help you write the statement and explain everything you need to know about mediation documents.
  • Preparing for mediation – Your attorney can help you get ready for mediation. They already have experience with these types of cases and they are very familiar with the process. You will know what to say or not say to your opponent.
  • Your settlement option – Although you decide the terms and whether to settle your lawsuit, your attorney can advise on the best course of action. Sometimes the settlement is not good or perhaps you need good legal arguments. Your attorney can equip you with everything you need to win your case.
  • A binding agreement – If you have reached an agreement in mediation, a Salt Lake City mediation attorney can put it in writing. This written agreement will reflect your settlement so that it can be enforced, in case your former spouse doesn’t honor it.

Divorce Mediation

Getting a divorce is a difficult decision for many couples. Divorce mediation is designed to help parties who can’t agree reach an amicable resolution. Mediators create a comfortable environment for both parties. Although nobody can resolve the divorce better than you, there are times when a mediator may be needed. If you are working with an attorney during mediation, he or she will provide a general view of the issues you are facing. Make sure you choose an attorney familiar with the mediation process.

Going to trial can be an expensive and difficult way to handle your divorce case. Although the trial is sometimes necessary, other methods such as mediation are less costly and more effective. During the trial, the judge will make decisions that only you and your spouse should make. You and your former spouse can make these difficult decisions on your own with the help of a mediator.


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